Red Deadnettle (Lamium purpureum)

After many years of just surveying and recording nature I eventually decided I would buy a new camera and close-up lens and try my hand at some snaps of wildlife.  I had no idea that my eyes would be opened to a new world!

For years, I would walk along with my recorder and mutter 'red deadnettle' and walk on without a second glance. Now, as I try to get a respectable shot of just about anything, when I get home and plug the camera in to the computer I am often amazed at the beauty I had missed all those years.

OK, red deadnettle is hardly a rarity! It is one of our most common weeds of cultivation and is often found in profusion just about anywhere and everywhere. However, looked at close up through the camera lens it becomes a different plant and a thing of rare beauty.

Well, that's how it looks to me anyway, how about you?
