Ivy-leaved Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia)


Many of the speedwell family of flowers seem to have a preference for disturbed or cultivated ground and ivy-leaved speedwell is certainly one of them. Like so many weeds of cultivation it is a prostrate and sprawling plant that spreads over quite large areas when it gets the chance.

The flowers on this plant are quite small and insignificant and seem to readily fall off when touched. The leaves are vaguely similar to ivy leaves, as the name would imply, but I have to say that in my opinion the resemblance to ivy is not convincing! However, the leaves are a different shape to the other speedwell species which may help in identification.  The stems and leaves are very hairy too as my photograph seems to have captured.

It is quite common but a possibly overlooked species which is often encountered in the Sidmouth town.  Where it occurs it can be quite extensive and can become something of a problem in the wrong place. 
