Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)


I try not to have 'favourite' species and dislike others, whether that be animals or plants. I try to view them all with a degree of admiration, not just for their beauty, but also for their tenacity. With that in mind I have to try and suppress my 'dislike' for groundsel, it is an untidy weed which does little to inspire me!   

It is a member of the daisy family although it lacks the white ring of petals, instead having yellow rays a bit like a closed up dandelion. Once they go to seed the flowers certainly look like miniature dandelion clocks. It is variable in height growing anything up to a foot tall. The leaves are narrow, pointed and have jagged edges. 

Groundsel flowers all year round and has many country names, one of which the the old man of spring! It is described as being both tenacious and noxious although not considered invasive. It is poisonous and can cause liver damage if consumed in any great quantity but who would want to eat a plant like this anyway?
