Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

The field guides tell you what this plant looks like but they do not tell you what it tastes like. Given its name, it must be quite potent!

This is a plant I have always known as Jack-by -the-Hedge and it almost exclusively grows along hedgerows and woodland edges, mainly on chalk soils so it is not uncommon. It comes into flower in April and can hang on in to July. In May it can line a hedgerow with these white clusters of small, four petalled flowers.

Although easily passed by without a second glance, this plant is a good place to look for early insects. It is an important food plant for several species, especially the Orange Tip butterfly which emerges into its flight stage to coincide with garlic mustard coming into flower and then lays its eggs on it. Then the Council come along and cut the plants down; no wonder animals struggle for survival. 
