Hoverfly: Leucozona lucorum -

Leucozona lucorum, is, to my eye at least, an attractive fly. It seems some people find flies repulsive and dismiss them as dirty and ugly but that is unfair. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course, but surely all living creatures should really be worthy of our respect and, in some cases, our admiration albeit based on human values!

The orange/brown thorax and two banded cream/black abdomen of this species make it readily identifiable. Add to that its preferred habitat of woodland rides and edges as well as wooded hedgerows where it feeds on pollen from spring flowers and identification becomes much easier as there seems to be no other option that would fit the appearance, the habitat and the time of year. Hoverflies can be difficult to tie down so it is good to have one with some unique clues to follow!

It is considered a common species across the United Kingdom but I have rarely seem it.

