I try to find something interesting to say about everything I write about but with this plant, knotgrass, I am struggling! The first thing to say is, of course, that it is not grass; it is a flowering plant. The flowers tend to be very small with the resulting seeds being more visible than the flowers. It has few distinguishing features being much like its relatives in the dock family.
Knotgrass is undoubtedly a weed of cultivation that can be found on bare earth and cultivated soils just about everywhere. It is variable in height sometimes growing to a metre tall but it is usually much, much shorter than that. There are six species of knotgrass in my field guide and this is by far the most common, most have suffered as the result of herbicide usage but the common knotgrass still seems to find space to grow and prosper. Where it does grow it can form quite large masses.
Well, I hope there was something of interest to you there!
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