If you take the trouble to look you will find this little fly sunbathing on the leaves of hedgerow plants in summer. They are also often seen feeding on the pollen from Hogweed in late summer.
Part of a family commonly known as Soldier Flies because of their bright colouring supposedly resembling military uniforms this one has been named the Broad Centurion. It has a flattened body with a square 'tail' end.
The fly itself is a wonderful metallic green that glistens in the sun. The male has a bronze sheen to the abdomen whereas the female has a more bluish colouring.
The grubs feed on leaf litter and other material in damp ground so the fly prefers wetter areas around woodland edges and hedges which have ditches.
Find out more here: www.natureofdorset.co.uk/species_panel/Broad%20Centurion%...
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