Dingy Skipper (Erynnis tages)

The Dingy Skipper is something of an overlooked species I think. True, it does not have the beautiful colouring of many other British butterfly species but, nonetheless, close up it does have a unique and subtle colouring.

On the wing in May and June, with a possible second brood here in Dorset in late August, the Dingy Skipper can be seen where Bird's-foot Trefoil grows and in Dorset that means almost anywhere! It is much more common than many think and can be found in quarries, on open rough ground, edges of woodland, even on heathland; it is particularly associated with chalk and limestone.

The Dingy Skipper is easily confused with one of our day flying moths like Mother Shipton or Burnet Companion, especially as it often rests, like a moth, with its wings open, indeed it is rarely seen with its wings closed above its back like other skipper species.

Well worth looking out for, it is not really 'dingy' at all in my opinion.
