Common Mosquito (Culex pipiens)

If, like me, you have some nasty sore bites on your legs from walking on heath and cliffs then you may not want to see one of the possible perpetrators! The Common Mosquito, along with the Common Wasp are probably the two most hated insects in the country.

It is not only the mosquito that bites of course; there are some pretty nasty relatives, the midge family, that do so as well. These insects are dependent on blood to enable their eggs to develop and so ensure the species survives. They have to bite, they have no choice.

Many of us, then, will swat a mosquito on sight and never actually get to see one so here you are, this is what they look like close up and personal. Actually, I think their looks belay their 'evil' streak. They are a truly delicate and exquisitely made insect; its just a shame they are one of man's worst enemies! At least in this country we do not have to fear that they are carrying the dreaded malaria.


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