Jay (Garrulus glandarius)

Quite often, the first you know of a Jay being in the vicinity is the dreadful shreak they make. It is unmistakable and, if you are not expecting it, it can be a bit unnerving!

Very much a bird of woodland it is not often you see them out in the open like this. The Jay is not an uncommon bird nationally but I don't seem to encounter them down here in Dorset that often. They are certainly about but they seem less frequent than elsewhere but then, apart from the Wareham/Puddletown Forest area, I suppose we do not have that much suitable woodland in the Purbeck area.

Jays are well known for two things. Firstly, they like to roll around in Wood Ants nests to get the acid ants spit onto their feathers. They are also great hoarders of nuts in the autumn to tide them over until spring comes.

Good to look at but aggressive, bad tempered birds in general!
