Common Quaker (Orthosa stabilis)

There are a limited number of moth species that fly in March and April, lack of food plants and cold night being the obvious reasons why. As a result the moth trap at this time of year tends to yield the same species each night.

As well as the Hebrew Character, Common Quaker are frequently in the trap.

At first site these are small, plain, brown moths with not ,much to distinguish them but, as so often in nature, a close up look shows this to not really be the case.

The Common Quaker is not, I agree, a stunner, but it does have intricate markings which set it apart from other species.

This a widespread and common species that feeds mainly on Sallow which is in full bloom now. It lays its eggs on Oak, Sallow and other trees and the larvae hatch in May and then pupate which is how they spend the winter, hatching out in March and April.
